

Building a wireless home sensor network – Part 1

Wireless home sensor network

As wireless controllers and sensors get cheaper and cheaper and more comfortable to use I decided to finally implement the idea I’ve had for a long time: setting up a wireless sensor network. Apart from being a fun project i…

Customizable cable duct

Whenever you do some electronics project there’s a good chance at least a few wires have to be routed around between boards, connectors and such. When you want to do it well organized it’s usually hard to find a proper…

OctoPrint Control Box

This box contains a Raspberry Pi running the fabulous OctoPrint / OctoPi, a 5 V power supply and an SSR. It allows you to remotely turn on and off your attached 3D printer, either by using the web interface, by…

Underwater Photography II

Since my last post about getting started with underwater photography I kept taking photos and almost always have my camera with me when I go diving. Here are some more photos from various dives.

CoreXY Laser Engraver Mk2

Update time! The CoreXY Laser Engraver has been updated with a motorized Z axis and numerous other enhancements… like more laser power. Har Har Har! When Jogi posted his make on Thingiverse he already added many improvements over my initial…